Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pretty calm day.

No craziness happened today...

We started off waking up at 6:15 so I could go for my morning walk with M. She had been up all night sick so we had to postpone =0( Then off to a place called "town" so we could get my check and spend $70 on 8 mowing machine blades...ridiculous, but you gotta feed the cows during the winter so I guess it's going to have to do.

Oh, so forgot about this rant: I had an awesome recipe on the back of an M&M's bag that we tried last night. The worst thing you can read on a recipe is waiting til you get to the very end then seeing "chill for an hour or overnight." Just fucking lovely, I wanted your damn delicious cookies NOW, not tomorrow morning or in a damn hour...RIGHT FREAKING NOW. So I read this and begin cursing inside like a filthy mouthed devil-spawn woman and secretly cry because I'm wanting these things immediately. So much so I had considered getting a spoon and sitting in the floor shoving the fluffy cookie dough in my face. I'm such a "chunk-a-dunk" as S so eloquently puts it. I love's an addiction and I have no self-control...which is exactly why I'm tipping the scales at 200lbs but for fucks sake can't a lady be overweight and enjoy food for at least a couple of years? Just let me be fluffy and leave me alone while I eat my cookie dough...I can be fat for a while.

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