Thursday, July 4, 2013

oh stethoscope, oh stethoscope...

Soooooooooooo, today a fucking steer calf got in the yard again, but luckily this time he was the only one. My only complaint was the little twat waffle ate our little weeping willow tree (and that shit just ain't cool.) OHHHH, and S didn't realize it had pooped in the yard until he stepped in it... Sometimes I'd prefer my cows dead in the freezer...


      I am in a battle with choosing a stethoscope for nursing school. Apparently NEVER ask about steths, shoes, or pens from nurses or you'll get one hell of a debate started. I've heard people say, "Oh, you don't need the best...just use the one with the kit." Frankly, that disturbs me. I'm a young nursing student sheep and they want to throw me out into the world of nursing wolves and learn to auscultate properly, yet advise to get a cheap steth...I'm sensing something uncomforting here.
       I am about 120% positive I'd rather buy a good 3M Littmann Cardio III and take my chances than buy a $20 steth that I turns out to be a waste of money and a setback to my education. I'm trying to learn proper skills here people!!! I've looked into Welch Allyn steths and a few others, but I'm still pretty set on the Littmann CIII. I compared it to the Classic II S.E. and even with untrained ears I could definitely tell a difference...that or I'm crazy. I felt the Cardio III had a better quality sound and a bit louder...again, untrained ears here so maybe I am just crazy.

     But seriously, I really want to splurge on this freaking stethoscope sooo bad. But I have not even started nursing school yet. People will look at me during clinicals and think "What the fuck is she thinking? Buying a $170 steth and the bitch is still in school?" Or "She thinks that steth will be a good investment until she flunks out of nursing school and it becomes a paperweight." but honestly my biggest problem with the purchase is I want to get it engraved but just having a first initial and last name looks ridiculous to me. Because there it has no status or meaning. But then again those nurses worked their asses of for their title so I guess I'll earn my badge as well. FUUUUDGE DONKEY.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013 green grass brings all the cows in the yard

No, Seriously, it's 7:19am, C is asleep in bed and a few of the cows broke in the yard for their delightful breakfast of our fresh short-cut grass because APPARENTLY the other 200 acres of grass isn't palatable enough for their babied asses.Not to mention Rupp, our Cocker Spaniel/Poodle mix is barking so

I get to chase cows out of our yard to hush him up...

            7:30 Cows out...finally.

Anyway. I am not a nurse...yet. I'm just one of those kids (adult with a family in my case) that got accepted into nursing school and the wait for fall semester is becoming unbearable. I complain a lot and in today's case the nursing supply list is on my bad side. As follows:
     1. 5 1/2" surgical shears other description than that, I mean they've listed out everything with such precise detail and specificity that this seems like a trick purchase. I mean...seriously? Color doesn't matter? No

             WHAT THE F**K! Apparently our calves are ridiculously talented at opening gates. We now have 4 calves in the yard, again, and two of them are getting frisky by the window...not cool.

Nevermind...make that six. All of which decided to huddle by our Rose of Sharon bushes...I swear one attempted to eat the siding off of the house. 
Gotta love farm life. Pretty soon I'm sure I'll forget what it's all about...for the next few years, at least!