Friday, June 13, 2014

Son of a Bitch

Yesterday we decided to take a trip to the zoo. It was both mine and C's first visit and I believe I was more excited than he was. We woke up early and took the trek north then we arrived and the real fun began.

We got to the zoo and it started off with a pig rolling out the red was cute but it gets better. We visit the elephants and take the trek through a few more exhibits and make it to the tigers. There's a big glass wall that lets you get super close to them and naturally I attempted to take a picture of C with the tiger in the background. After the 3rd failed attempt I hear S screaming "A, get him now." With a camera up to the eye of a mother and no tiger in sight my first reaction was we were all going to get mauled by this big fucking cat that looks agitated as hell as the small demonic humans were screaming and banging on the glass like a bunch of zombies. WRONG. My almost 3-year old son was screaming "Look at that big Son of a Bitch." Repeatedly. In the middle of a crowded exhibit. Thank You Papaw E for his wonderful vocabulary.

That was definitely my humor for the day, so I thought, until we went to Longhorn Steakhouse for lunch. C was eating his Kraft mac'n'cheese and French fries then all of a sudden he decides to share with the entire restaurant that he had to poop. Really bad, apparently, because he also shared with them that his "poop was coming out."

Yes, my son has a foul mouth, and no we don't laugh at/encourage him...but we're not mannered people and we have filthy mouths, dirty hands, and at least one cow poop stain on every article of clothing we own. My son may not say the prettiest words, but he'll be raised with a kind heart and practice respect.

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