Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Just a tad disturbing...

So, yesterday we decided we were going to give all the cattle lepto shots...for all you people out there us country folks have been bred to believe this "lepto" makes cows breed better. So we rounded them up and this is where the fun begins.

It's 10:30 and it's already hot as sin outside. S and I got on our ATV's and start leading them up to the lot. Got them in easily enough. Now we start leading the cows in the barn in 3's and 4's...this is where it starts getting rocky. We get through a few and start gritting our teeth because we have a small heifer that is insane. Literally fucking INSANE. She is like the Charles Manson of the cow world kinda crazy. Anywho, get her in the barn and it's like a cow-nado...she's rearing and running into everything. I'm freaking out and literally jumping the beams in the barn all the while S's Dad and Papaw (at 75yo) are trying to wrangle this lunatic into the stable to get her in the head chute...needless to say by the end of it they all of bloody elbows (and I don't because I'm nearing the barn roof at this point with my mad climbing skills)...

On another note I manage to paint my finger and toenails after...needed to cover up the stained fingernails  =0)

AAAANddd....thanks to my good friend Sarah D. I signed up for this neat little site called "Influenster" If you like writing reviews on free stuff you get click this little pretty circle below =0)

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